Library Media Center
Today a reader, tomorrow a leader!
Our goal in the Woodland Elementary Library and Media Center is to help children learn how to access, process, and communicate information and to encourage them to be lifelong learners and lifelong library users.
Students come here once each six-day cycle with their class for 25 minutes. During that period students may check out books. Kindergarteners may check out one book at a time. First through fifth graders may check out two books at a time. Extra books are allowed for special projects.
Third, fourth, and fifth graders are invited to participate in the Maud Hart Lovelace Award, also known as the Minnesota Young Readers Award. Twelve books are nominated each year. Each student who reads, or has read to him/her, at least three of the titles will be eligible to vote for a winner.
The curriculum, developed by District 196 Media Specialists, is taught to third graders during their “unit” time by a licensed media specialist.
Our library and media center is an exciting place where students, teachers and parents are always welcome.
Tracy Heim
Library Clerk
School Phone: (651) 683-6990
Voicemail: (651) 683-6969 Ext. 84858